Dear Santa……


It is a magical time for many children as they learn about Christmas and all of the glitter and excitement that comes with it. It is also a time of year that a part of me struggles with. Not everyone will feel the love and peace that they deserve. As Christmas draws closer I have heard a few stories that have made me smile and they have not only reminded me of the simple things that bring us happiness but also the magic that is around children. The pure joy that they hold.

A friend of mine overheard her children asking Santa for particular gifts. With a keen ear she listened carefully. She felt a sense of relief when she heard her daughter asking for a Peppa Pig toy. Now that is easily purchased she thought. That seemed an easy present to get, until her daughter followed up her request with ‘but it must be knitted’. Now this could indeed be a game changer. Later, when she asked her son about the gold scooter that he had requested, he told her that he had dreamt it. : )

So, how can we bring others this joy and help and support? Those that won’t be in a position to receive as easily? There are a lot of options and these are just a few…..

Send A Cow offers a service that delivers virtual gifts to struggling families in Africa. Every £1 given before the 31st December will be doubled by the UK government. Send A Cow

Christian Aid support families in Sudan and again every pound you give will be matched by the UK government. Christianaid

Buy some gifts from Great Ormond Street Hospital shop and 100% of the profits go to support patients. They do so much including research for kinder treatments for rare and complex conditions, fund family support projects and fund modernisation of facilities.

Attend the carol service at St Lukes Church in Chelsea, the magical evening will support the national charity for hospice care. Supporting them helps families and their loved ones to receive the best possible care. Hospice UK

Make a donation to The Foodbank Network to support the charity to give emergency food to those who are struggling to eat.

Give a gift to children and young people via The Salvation Army. They will accept new or used gifts.

Buy a gift or a bed or a dinner for a homeless person by donating to Centrepoint. They do so much to help young people to get a better future.

Lets help our children to see the magic of giving as well as receiving this Christmas. x