Every Body Is Ready For A Fitness Journey

EveryBODY Fitness

When it comes to a fitness journey there should be no ‘wrong’ or ‘right’ body; there should be inclusivity and it should be for every BODY. I believe that all bodies are designed for movement and that there is an activity out there for every one.

Although curvy bodies seldom appear in advertisements for gyms or fitness magazines, this does not mean that they do not appear in gyms or other fitness venues. I will get back to this later.

So is it no wonder curvy bodies do not feel they fit into the fitness world because this fact is stated in both subtle and not so subtle ways. When a curvy body is shown in the media, it often accompanies an article about obesity and shows a headless person.

That’s why it’s important to ignore these images and start your journey where you are right now. As with starting a new activity, get the okay from your doctor. Your body is capable of so much more than you think. I know this because I see this time and time again in my yoga classes. Or with some of the inspirational athletes that fill my social media feed. Individuals arrive thinking their bodies are stiff – in fact, it’s their mind is not flexible; clouded by all the limitations society has put upon our abilities based on self-perception.

However, on Instagram in particular you will see images of curvy athletes – participating in activities such as running, triathlons, pole dancing, ballet, and yoga to name a few, which shows that things are changing.

In yoga in particular every body is a yoga body; we are born yogi. Ever see a baby putting it big toe in its mouth? Well this ‘happy baby pose’ proves my point.

You should exercise because of all the benefits it can bring about. I understand that it can be scary getting in a class for the first time. Take it from me that my students that have been in this scenario were happy that they took this leap of faith as they have improved their wellbeing in so man different ways.

This is all part of the journey.

Exercise should be a lifestyle activity that can be enjoyed. You can make it sociable by attending with friends. You can discover activities like Zumba, yoga, clubbersize to name a few. This will eliminate some of the fear of venturing into the unknown. This will also hold you accountable to each other. Allowing you to enjoy the experience together – whilst become healthy.

Remember bodies come in different shapes and sizes and this too is applicable to fit bodies – don’t get caught up in the stereotype.

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