Donald Trump Says Immigrants From Africa And Haiti Come From ‘Shithole Countries’ – Report

Donald Trump has angrily hit back at the idea of restoring protections for immigrants from Africa and Haiti, saying they come from “shithole countries”, according to reports.

The Washington Post and NBC News both report the outburst came in a meeting with lawmakers on Thursday.

The President was being informed of the impact of immigrants from Haiti and African nations when he reportedly asked: “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?

“We should have more people from places like Norway.”

A White House spokesperson defended the comment, saying: “Certain Washington politicians choose to fight for foreign countries, but President Trump will always fight for the American people.”

The President “will always reject temporary, weak and dangerous stopgap measures that threaten the lives of hardworking Americans, and undercut immigrants who seek a better life in the United States through a legal pathway,” they added.

His choice of words have been condemned by a number of politicians and commentators.


People from Norway are most likely on Trump’s mind as the country’s Prime Minister is the last official foreign visitor he has received.