Gym Buddies #11: Make The Most Of Your Fitness Tracker

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So you got a fitness tracker for Christmas, now what?

I hate to break it to you, but simply strapping a piece of tech to your wrist and celebrating when you hit 10,000 steps isn’t the smartest way to use one. (That said: a personal highlight of 2017 is when my Fitbit vibrated at 3am at Glastonbury festival to tell me I’d already hit my daily target.)

Fitness trackers can be super effective in helping you reach your goals – whether that’s a nudge to get moving, tracking weight loss or logging workouts – you’ve just got to know how to use it. With that in mind, we spoke to experts and analysed the most popular apps to help you make the most of your new toy. I’m certainly going to rethink how to better use mine.

Also on Gym Buddies, Amy Packham gets to grips with basic bike safety in her weekly cycling column. She had a free cycling session with her local authority, a valuable service available across the country. Try for yourself.

Don’t be all the gear, no idea.