Parents, Have You Ever Experienced The Coffee-Buggy Conundrum? You’re Not The Only One

You’ve just bought yourself a latte from a coffee shop and you walk out, pushing the buggy in one hand and holding your coffee in another. Only it’s not as easy as that.

The majority of the hot brown liquid ends up spilling over your hand, on to the floor and the buggy.

In short: Trying to enjoy a coffee as a new parent is much harder than it looks.

One Twitter user decided to sum up his coffee-buggy conundrum online and probably didn’t expect to hear from many parents who had done the same.

McBride wrote out the “stages” of enjoying a coffee, including buying one, pushing a buggy one-handed, spilling it, and then throwing the remaining coffee in the bin.

In response, mum and dads shared their own coffee-buggy fails.

Some Twitter users offered solutions to the coffee-buggy conundrum, including using a flask for the coffee or going for ice coffee instead.