Jennifer Aniston Introduces Her New Rescue Puppy, Lord Chesterfield

Jennifer Aniston’s family just got a little bigger and a lot cuter.

On Sunday, The Morning Show actor announced on Instagram that she had adopted a rescue puppy named Lord Chesterfield from the Wagmor Pet Hotel & Spa in Los Angeles. The pup joins Aniston’s two other dogs, Clyde, a schnauzer mix, and Sophie, a pit bull.

“Chesterfield, have you fallen asleep with your bone in your mouth? I think you have,” Aniston can be heard whispering in a video of the sleepy little lord:

According to Wagmor Pets, Lord Chesterfield is a Great Pyranees mix. The little pup isn’t the only one from the rescue to go to a famous family. Other celebrities, including Chrissy Teigen and Kris Jenner, have adopted from Wagmor since Ellen DeGeneres posted about the animals there earlier this year.

Here’s Lord Chesterfield and his siblings when he was a little younger:

Welcome to the family, Chesterfield! Aniston’s followers are thrilled to have you .

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