Kenyan President Briefly Forgets Boris Johnson’s Name And Calls Him ‘Bicycle Guy’

Boris Johnson has been branded the “bicycle guy” by the president of Kenya – who briefly forgot his name.

Uhuru Kenyatta was speaking alongside Theresa May at a press conference in Nairobi on Thursday morning.

Asked about attempts by the UK and Kenya to crack down on corruption and financial crimes, Kenyatta told reporters: “Last year, if you recall, the foreign secretary then, Boris, erm, Boris, Boris Johnson, the bicycle guy – that one. 

“Boris Johnson was here with ambulances and these ambulances were bought courtesy of funds that had been seized, returned and utilised to buy ambulances that were distributed across the country.”

May used the press conference to pledge that assets acquired from corruption and attempted to be hidden in the UK would be handed to Kenyans.

She said: “Today we signed an agreement to ensure that any proceeds of corruption that end up in the UK will be given back to the people of Kenya.”

The prime minister’s meeting with Kenyatta came as she toured African countries in an attempt to secure goodwill ahead of Brexit.

May pledged earlier this week to fight off any leadership challenge from Johnson and insisted she was in it “for the long term”.