Solihull Murders: Suspect Janbaz Tarin Being ‘Protected’ Locally, Police Say

Police hunting for double-murder suspect Janbaz Tarin have said they believe he is being “protected” in the West Midlands area.

Tarin, 21, is wanted in connection to the killings of his ex-girlfriend Raneem Oudeh and her mother Khaola Saleem, who died from stab wounds in Solihull, in the early hours of Monday morning.

In a fresh appeal for information, Detective Inspector Caroline Corfield said: “Someone out there knows where he is. Janbaz Tarin deserves no protection.”

West Midlands Police are offering a £5,000 reward for information on Tarin’s whereabouts.

In a video posted on Twitter, Detective Chief Superintendent Mark Payne said: “We are working with Crimestoppers to offer a £5,000 reward to anybody who may help us with the location of Janbaz Tarin who we wish to speak to in relation to the double murder that occurred in Solihull earlier in the week.

“So if Mr Tarin is watching this, hand yourself in, we will find you.

“If there is anybody who is working or assisting Mr Tarin to evade our custody then please be aware you may be committing criminal offences.

“Again, we will find Mr Tarin, we will find you, don’t do it, hand Mr Tarin in to us and we will take it from there.”

Oudeh was on the phone to the police when she was attacked, after making “a number of calls” to the authorities on Sunday night.

A previously released police statement explained: “We tried to physically locate her but were unsuccessful.

“Contact was being made to arrange to see Miss Oudeh and it was during this conversation that the situation quickly escalated and the call handler immediately dispatched officers to the location in Northdown Road where they arrived within minutes.

“Officers have searched several addresses linked to the 21-year-old – an Afghan national – in Birmingham and seized computer equipment and mobile phones for analysis.

“The suspected murder weapon has also been recovered and a van seized for forensic examination.”