Corbyn Urges Voters To Tell Government ‘Enough Is Enough’

Jeremy Corbyn is calling on voters to use upcoming local elections to tell the Government that “enough is enough” and they want a change in direction.

Launching Labour’s campaign for the May elections in English authorities in Manchester, Mr Corbyn will highlight increases of almost 6% in council tax bills across the country.

He will accuse Conservatives of demanding voters “pay more for less”, as bills soar while local services are cut.

And he will say that a vote for Labour on May 3 represents a vote to “change direction”.

“On May 3, people across England will have the chance to send an unmistakable message to this Government that enough is enough,” the Labour leader will say.

“Enough of cuts to vital services that hurt local communities; enough of cuts to schools, hospitals and local policing; enough of library and youth centres closures, enough of leaving elderly and disabled people without essential care; and enough of failed privatisations that suck funds out of public services so a few can make a profit.

“Austerity is a political choice. So when your children’s school is losing teachers and sending begging letters, or their youth centre is closed, that’s because the Conservative priority is tax breaks for big business. And when your elderly relatives are neglected because of a lack of social care, that’s because the Conservatives want another tax giveaway for a few people at the top.”

Mr Corbyn will say that not only families but also local businesses are facing an increased tax burden, with business rates rising by more than £3,000.

“The message from Theresa May’s Government could not be clearer,” he will say. “Pay more for less under the Conservatives.

“After eight years of Conservative cuts, failed privatisations and falling living standards, it’s time for real change. Labour will give dignity and support to those in need, rebuild our communities and transform our country for the many, not the few.”

Elections are taking place in 32 London boroughs and 119 other councils around England on May 3, alongside mayoral ballots in Hackney, Lewisham, Newham, Tower Hamlets, Watford and the Sheffield City Region.