Former MP Natalie McGarry In Court On Fraud Charges

A former MP has appeared in court on six charges including fraud.

Natalie McGarry, who represented Glasgow East but did not seek re-election in 2016, appeared in private at the city’s sheriff court.

She is charged with three counts of embezzlement, two charges under the Scottish Independence Referendum Act 2013 and one charge under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000.

The charges under the referendum act relate to “knowingly or recklessly making a false declaration” regarding referendum expenses and allegedly failing to comply with requirements regarding referendum expenses.

The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act charge involves allegedly knowingly failing to comply with a notice regarding disclosure of protected information.

McGarry, 36, who appeared under her married name Meikle, made no plea and was bailed pending a further court appearance, the Crown Office confirmed.

She was elected as an SNP member in 2015 but resigned the party whip following the emergence of fraud allegations which she denied at the time, continuing in parliament as an independent.

She was charged by the police in 2017 over alleged fraud relating to potential missing funds from the group Women For Independence, which was set up in the run-up to the 2014 Scottish referendum, and the SNP’s Glasgow Regional Association.