Russian Businessman ‘Hiding Assets’ To Avoid Divorce Payout, Court Told

A Russian housewife awarded £453 million by a London divorce court judge after her marriage to a billionaire businessman broke down says he is hiding assets in a bid to avoid paying her.

Lawyers representing Tatiana Akhmedova have told Mr Justice Haddon-Cave that Farkhad Akhmedov is using “cipher nominee companies” and “alter-ego offshore entities” to hide assets.

News of Ms Akhmedova’s payout emerged last summer when the judge revealed detail in a written ruling, published on a legal website.

Mr Justice Haddon-Cave had analysed the case at hearings in the Family Division of the High Court in London.

His award is thought to be the biggest made by a divorce court judge in England.

The judge was on Wednesday considering a number of legal issues at a follow-up hearing.

Ms Akhmedova was at the hearing, while Mr Akhmedov was not present.

Barrister Dakis Hagen QC, who is leading Ms Akhmedova’s legal team, told the judge: “(Mr Akhmedov is) using cipher nominee companies and alter-ego offshore entities to hide his assets.”

Court of Appeal judges have recently analysed issues in the case.

Lawyers representing Ms Akhmedova told them that Mr Akhmedov had not handed over any of the money he was ordered to pay.