Laura Plummer, Briton Jailed In Egypt Over Illegal Painkillers, ‘To Be Freed After Pardon’

A British woman jailed in Egypt for bringing painkillers in her luggage is reportedly to be freed within the next two days.

Laura Plummer’s family told The Sun she is to be pardoned from serving the rest of her three-year sentence for having 290 Tramadol tablets, which are banned in Egypt.

The newspaper says President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who can issue pardons to prisoners as part of Egypt’s Revolution Day celebrations, is expected to announce her release on Saturday.

Plummer’s sister, Jayne Synclair, told the newspaper: “We can’t believe it’s over. We’ve prayed for this day since she was arrested.

“We just want to get her home.”

Plummer, 33, from Hull, is reported to have told her family in an emotional phone call: “I never thought this day would come. I’d given up hope.”

The shop worker was arrested at the airport on October 9 last year when she flew into the Red Sea resort of Hurghada.

She was handed her jail sentence on Boxing Day, nearly three months later.

The court heard she was taking the tablets for her Egyptian partner Omar Caboo, who suffers from severe back pain, and had no idea they were illegal in Egypt.

A spokesman for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office said: “We continue to provide assistance to Laura and her family, and our embassy remains in regular contact with the Egyptian authorities.”