‘Celebrity Big Brother’ Viewers Turn On Andrew Brandy After He Brands Ann Widdecombe A ‘C***’

Things got tense on Thursday’s ‘Celebrity Big Brother’, when Andrew Brady branded Ann Widdecombe a “c***”, after being nominated for eviction by the former MP.

Viewers were left unimpressed by the outburst, which came after Ann made comments about Andrew and Shane J’s closeness while nominating them both for eviction.

During the face-to-face nominations – which saw the women given the power to nominate, while the men stayed silent – Ann admitted that their play-fighting the night before had left her feeling uncomfortable.

“It is a position that is normally adopted for a sexual purpose,” she told the housemates after nominating Shane, before adding: “Again with deep regret it’s Andrew, who is the second half of the esteemed theatrical performance.”

When the ‘Apprentice’ candidate retorted that he had no idea Ann was watching them, she hit back by stating that she was, adding: “Your mother and your grandmother almost certainly did [see them too].”

When it was all over, a visibly agitated Andrew ranted in the garden.

Referring to Ann, he said: “I’m gonna tell her and I’m gonna tell her straight. She needs to know.

“Where I’m from if you throw around comments like that you wake up in a f**king ambulance. She’s a c***.”

When Love Island’s Jonny Mitchell – who, perhaps surprisingly, took on the role of moral compass – said, “come on, she’s an old lady”, Andrew replied: “Sorry,  she’s a c*** who’s an old lady.”

Needless to say, many viewers were not impressed:

Andrew, it’s called RESPECT! The housemates respect Ann. You should try and look up the meaning of the word. All you’re showing us is you’ve got a lot of growing up to do. Disappointing!!! #CBBAndrew#cbb

January 17, 2018
Don’t agree with what Andrew called Ann but so fed up of no one allowed to have fun for what she might say or out of respect for her. Amanda older and dont complain so much. Ann got them all wrapped around her finger.

January 26, 2018
Calling anyone the c word under any circumstances is not ok. No she should not have mentioned his family, but they actually should be embarrassed and disgusted by the way he spoke about her afterwards. #andrewtogo

January 26, 2018
The way Andrew speaks to people is so condescending, he was exactly the same with Jonny the other night!! #CBBhttps://t.co/JdziozJ0ew
Tense, the bloke is a complete arsehole. He is kicking off about things he has made up in his own head. All Ann said was him Mum or Nan could see how he was acting.

January 26, 2018
I don’t agree with Ann’s views, however Andrew has let him self down with his reaction. ??‍♀️ disgusting.
Andrew really should be ashamed of himself & so should his mother & grandmother be ashamed of his behaviour unacceptable how he’s speaking of an old lady stupid little boy! #cbb#CelebrityBigBrother

January 26, 2018
Regardless, you don’t call anyone, especially a mature women a C#@T! Andrews words & behaviour last night were vile! You may not agree with Anns opinions and beliefs but he took it too far last night! I’m sorry, but Andrew has really let himself down last night! #CBB

January 26, 2018
After a pep talk from Shane J, Andrew reflected on the whole saga in the diary room.

“I understand her reasons were that Shane and I were performing what she described as a lewd sex act,” he said. “She mentioned that my mum and grandma were watching, insinuating that I should be ashamed.

“I think she needs to eat her words. She has shown her true colours and they are not nice colours. Too long have I treated her as if she’s righteous.

“If we agreed with her beliefs we would be going backwards in time. She doesn’t agree in gay marriage, she doesn’t agree with abortion. She’s an evil person in some ways.”

Andrew and Shane are up for eviction alongside Jonny and Dapper Laughs and three of them will leave the house after viewers’ votes are counted tonight (Friday 26 January).