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When it comes to fitness, a lot of the time fear is holding people back. The thought of trying something new or getting out of your comfort zone can be intimidating and off-putting. What if people stare? What if you do something wrong?
I used to be one of these people. I put off all sorts of exercise – yoga, spinning, running – because of fear. Now, I love trying new things and I always try to encourage those around me to give something a go or offer to go along with them for their first time. I’ve recently started going to yoga with my boyfriend who was worried he’d be too inflexible and have a spin class planned with a friend who’s never been.
In this week’s cycling column, Amy Packham tackles fear head on by embarking on an hour-long cycle to take her out of her comfort zone. Let’s just say, after a few wrong turns and a phone out of battery, she learnt the hard way that fear isn’t something you can overcome overnight.
Also on Gym Buddies, plus size yogi Donna Noble blogs about how yoga is for every body type. Her advice? Forget the fitness models you see on billboards and Instagram – you do you.
So as January draws to a close, why not challenge yourself to try something that scares you? This weekend, I’m going to a women’s rugby club as part of England Rugby’s nationwide Warrior Camps to try the sport for the first time. I’m terrified, but that’s half the fun… I think.