Meghan Says Harry Is A Feminist, Here’s Why All The Best Partners Are

Over Christmas, my partner and I were sat on the sofa watching a film that included a completely unnecessary scene of a topless female stripper. The blatant objectification – which had no significance to the plot – riled me up so much I decided to implement an instant boycott.

I took the remote and switched over the channel. My boyfriend didn’t bat an eyelid.

He may not join women’s rights marches, or shout about feminism from the rooftops, but my partner is intrinsically a believer in gender equality – and thankfully, it seems he’s not the only one.

On Thursday, Meghan Markle declared that Prince Harry is a feminist during their first official visit to Wales. When MP Jess Phillips told the actor she was pleased there was going to be a feminist in the royal family, Meghan reportedly gestured to Prince Harry and said “he’s a feminist too”.

Aside from the fact she’s marrying into royalty, if you ask me, Meghan’s on to a winner, because no one loses when you have a feminist partner.

Having a partner who “gets it” when you come home fuming about the gender pay gap or upset that you’ve been catcalled is a weight off your shoulders.

There are so few safe spaces to share feminist views in public – just look at the incessant trolling feminists face on Twitter – that being free to voice these issues at home is a relief.

But feminism isn’t just about women’s rights. Instead, the movement is about creating an equal world for all genders and that includes ending gender stereotypes.

The concept that men must be “strong and silent” and not talk about their feelings has long been linked to the epidemic of mental ill health among men.

Suicide remains the largest killer of men under the age of 45 in the UK and men are three times more likely to die from suicide than women.

However, the latest statistics suggest suicide rates are falling and experts believe that may be thanks to growing public conversations around mental health and the message that “boys are allowed to cry”.

If you’re a man with a feminist partner – be they a woman or another man – hopefully you know you can share your feelings without judgement and access help before mental illness develops to crisis point.

What’s more, if gender equality is high on both of your agendas, planning for the future suddenly becomes a whole lot easier.

Last year my partner decided he wanted to take a break from teaching and go back into education to complete a PhD. I’ve never expected him to be the breadwinner just because he’s a man and I’m proud to say we sat down and worked out a way we were going to manage financially together, in order for him to pursue a lifelong dream.

As a woman, it’s also reassuring to know when the time comes for us to talk about children and childcare, no assumptions will be made based on gender.

Having a feminist partner enables you both to fulfil your ambitions, whatever they may be, and live an equal life that suits both of you.

Feminism can mean brandishing a placard outside Westminster to campaign for what you believe in, but it can also mean creating an equal home life day-to-day.

A lot of the press seemed surprised when Meghan labelled Harry as a feminist, citing his “laddish past” and time in the army as reasons to consider him an unlikely candidate.

But when it comes down to it, being a feminist in a relationship is largely about respecting your partner and viewing them as an equal. Why would you ever date someone who’s not a feminist?