Donald Trump ‘Cancels UK Visit Over Protest Fears’

Donald Trump will no longer visit the UK to attend the opening of the US embassy in London over fears he will not be made welcome, according to reports

Sky News and the Daily Mail both report Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, will take his place at the event scheduled for the end of next month.

The White House has yet to respond.

Just this weekend Theresa May said Trump is a “committed” US President and his state visit to the UK is not under threat.

Speaking on the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show, she was asked: “In the States there are quite serious questions being raised by some people about his mental state.

“Do you think they’re serious?”

The PM replied: “No. As I say when I deal with President Trump what I see is somebody who is committed to ensuring that he is taking decisions in the best interests of the United States.” 

She added: “He will be coming to this country.”

The comments came after US-UK relations hit a low at the end of last year when Trump retweeted anti-Muslim tweets from a member of a far-right British group.

In an unprecedented condemnation of the White House, Theresa May criticised Trump directly when her official spokesman said the President was “wrong” to have supported Britain First’s attempts to “divide communities through their use of hateful narratives which peddle lies and stoke tension”.

Trump responded brusquely on Twitter.

Defending Trump, Boris Johnson said the President did not take a “namby-pamby” approach to politics.

“Maybe he’ll ruffle feathers – there’s no question that maybe some feathers were ruffled,” he added.

May was the first foreign leader to visit the White House following Trump’s election.