‘Celebrity Big Brother’: Ann Widdecombe’s Views On Wolf-Whistling Have Not Impressed Viewers

It’s a case of another day, another choice comment from Ann Widdecombe on ‘Celebrity Big Brother’, and this time, it’s remarks on wolf-whistling that have caused a stir.

It all started when the former MP got a makeover courtesy of Ashley James and Malika Haqq, and went into the diary room to discuss the pair’s efforts with Big Brother during Wednesday (10 January) night’s show.

<strong>Here's a sentence we never imagined writing: Ann Widdecombe's hair was cut and styled by Khloe Kardashian's best pal, Malika Haqq</strong>

Ann remarked on the fact some of the male housemates had wolf-whistled to show their appreciation of her new look, opening a can of worms by stating: “It’s quite nice having men wolf whistling.

“It’s supposed to be totally sexist to wolf whistle but it isn’t you know. It’s a compliment.

“It’s just a cheery expression of appreciation. We’re starting to lose our cheerfulness about everything because we’re so miserable about everything…

“I mean, a woman who’s going along, maybe a bit down and all the rest of it and suddenly some building workers start wolf whistling – cheers her up no end!”

Thankfully, the fact Ann said this in the privacy of the diary room meant it didn’t open up an exhausting debate among the housemates, but fans on Twitter had plenty to say nonetheless:

Since the series began last week, Ann has hit headlines numerous times, though not always for the right reasons.

Within hours of being in the Borehamwood bungalow, Ann offended India Willoughby by misgendering her and sparked outrage after claiming that Harvey Weinstein’s alleged victims “had a choice”.