Third Lockdown Rules: What You Can And Can’t Do

England is set to enter its strictest nationwide lockdown since March amid growing concern over a surge in coronavirus infections, Boris Johnson has announced. 

In a TV address on Monday evening, the prime minister announced new coronavirus lockdown rules would come into force from Wednesday until February 15.

Much of England is currently under tier 4 restrictions, but under new measures the whole of England will be placed under the same restrictions. 

This is what you can or cannot do under the new rules.

What is allowed

You can leave your home for one of the five reasons:

  • To go to work if it is impossible to work from home, such as in construction or if you are a critical worker
  • To shop for necessities for you or a vulnerable person
  • To exercise once a day locally, either with members of your household or support bubble, or with one person from one other household
  • To provide care or help to a vulnerable person
  • To attend a medical appointment, seek healthcare, or flee harm such as domestic abuse

Pubs will be allowed to deliver alcohol, or serve takeaway food and soft drinks.

Nurseries, childcare settings and playgrounds will remain open.

Places of worship can remain open for individual prayers and communal worship, but people should only visit with their household or support bubble.

Weddings, civil partnership ceremonies and funerals are allowed with strict limits on attendance.

Garden centres and builders’ merchants may stay open.

What is not allowed

  • You may not socialise with anyone you do not live with or are not in a support bubble with
  • Primary and secondary schools, or colleges will be closed – they will remain open only for vulnerable children and the children of key workers
  • Students will not be able to return to university and are expected to study online
  • All non-essential retail, hospitality and personal care services, such as salons and hairdressers, will close
  • Outdoor gyms, tennis courts and golf courses must close, and outdoor team sports will not be permitted.
  • Pubs will be banned from serving takeaway pints

People who are clinically vulnerable should stay at home and only leave for medical appointments and exercise.

The clinically extremely vulnerable are advised to begin shielding again.