14 Tweets That Sum Up The Most Monday Of All Mondays

The first day back at work after Christmas is always tough, but this Monday is something else. It’s the most Monday of all Mondays.

Sure, some people on social media are embracing the new year with a sunrise walk or early morning jog. But we have one question for those people: how?

We also know a lot of people didn’t get a break over Christmas – and for those folk, we’re truly grateful for holding the fort. 

Yet many of us are still staring into the abyss of 2021, trying to cook up some positivity (or at least make it to 5pm). 

It started on Sunday for a lot of people…

And we (almost collectively) agreed this would be the worst Monday of all time. 

Waking up was hard…

Finding enthusiasm for those first meetings was even harder.

The novelty of working from home has well and truly evaporated.

By mid-morning, we’re flagging already. 

It’s (almost) enough to make some quit. 

But there is one silver lining: if today is the worst Monday of the year, things can only get better.

We’ve got this.