Oxford/AstraZeneca Coronavirus Vaccine Approved For Use In The UK

The coronavirus vaccine created by Oxford University and pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca has been approved for use in the UK, paving the way for rapid rollout, the Department of Health said.

Health secretary Matt Hancock said the development was “fantastic news” and confirmed that the rollout would begin on January 4.

He added he was “highly confident” enough people would be vaccinated by the spring “that we can now see the route out of this pandemic” but warned there is still “a difficult few weeks ahead”.

“We can see the pressures right now on the NHS and it is absolutely critical that people follow the rules and do everything they can to stop the spread, particularly of the new variant of this virus that transmits so much faster, he said.

“But we also know that there is a route out of this. The vaccine provides that route out. We have all just got to hold our nerve over the weeks to come.”

AstraZeneca said it aimed to supply millions of doses in the first quarter of next year as part of an agreement with the government to supply up to 100 million.

The company’s chief executive Pascal Soriot said: “Today is an important day for millions of people in the UK who will get access to this new vaccine. It has been shown to be effective, well-tolerated, simple to administer and is supplied by AstraZeneca at no profit.”

Professor Andrew Hayward, professor of infectious diseases epidemiology at University College London, told BBC Breakfast the vaccine not needing to be stored at the cold temperatures required for the Pfizer vaccine would make “an enormous difference”.

He said: “It means that all of the centres that would normally get involved in vaccination, all the GP practices, as well as more simple community centres, for example, can get involved in the vaccine.

“It means we can take the vaccine to where it’s needed, rather than bringing people in to the limited places where we can deliver it.

“So it should make for a step change and it should also allow us to reach out to the most affected communities.”

Studies have shown the vaccine to have an average efficacy rate of 70% – though this rose to 90% when half a dose, followed by a full dose, was given to trial participants. 

The Oxford jab is the second vaccine to be given the seal of approval by experts at the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), who assess vaccines for safety, quality and effectiveness. 

The MHRA authorised the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine for use in the UK at the start of December.

The independent Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) is set to publish its latest advice for the priority groups to receive the vaccine.

But it has also advised the government to prioritise giving as many “at-risk” people their first dose, rather than giving out the required two doses in as short a time as possible.

The Department of Health said everyone will still receive their second dose within 12 weeks of their first.