Watch Fox News Host Finally Tell Viewers That Biden Beat Trump

Fox News host Laura Ingraham warned her viewers on Monday night that it’s just about over for President Donald Trump ― and that they should be ready for President-elect Joe Biden.

“Unless the legal situation changes in a dramatic and frankly an unlikely manner, Joe Biden will be inaugurated on January 20th,” she declared.

Trump has falsely claimed he won the election, and his team has filed fruitless legal challenges across multiple states in an attempt to throw out votes.

Trump has vowed to appeal these cases to the Supreme Court. 

Ingraham said the president has that right ― but told viewers that effort was going nowhere.

“To say this constitutes living in reality,” she said, adding:

“And if I offered you a false reality, if I told you that there was an excellent, phenomenal chance that the Supreme Court was going to step in and deliver a victory to President Trump, I’d be lying to you.”

See more of her monologue below, in which she said Republicans must now work to stop the “most egregious moves” of the incoming Biden administration: 

While Fox News has been consistently friendly turf for Trump, both he and his viewers have turned on the network in recent months. That turn reached an apex when Fox News became the first network to call Arizona ― a state that hadn’t voted for a Democrat since 1996 ― for Biden. 

Since then, Trump supporters have broken out into spontaneous “Fox News sucks” chants, and Trump himself is reportedly considering a media venture to compete directly with Fox News for conservative viewers.