Covid Hospital Admissions Rising Sharply Among Over-65s, Official Figures Show

Coronavirus hospital and intensive care are rising among over-65s, government figures show.

Data discussed by Boris Johnson and top government scientists at Wednesday’s coronavirus briefing showed hospital admissions rising sharply for over-65s since the end of August.

The number of people being admitted into intensive care also rose sharply from mid-September among older age groups.

While the numbers remained relatively small, the rate of increase will be pored over by ministers as they make decisions on Covid-19.

The number of admissions to intensive care rose particularly in London, the Midlands, Yorkshire and the north-east and the north-west, the figures showed.

The prime minister urged people to continue following Covid-19 restrictions or potentially face “further measures”.

“If we put in the work together now then we give ourselves the best possible chance of avoiding that outcome and avoiding further measures,” he said.

“I know some people will think we should give up and let the virus take its course despite the huge loss of life that would potentially entail.

“I have to say I profoundly disagree. I don’t think that is what the British people want. I don’t think they want to throw in the sponge. They want to fight and defeat this virus and that is what we are going to do.”

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