Goats Damage Police Car As Officers Respond To WWII Mortar

Kids these days …

Police on the Isle of Wight launched a tongue-in-cheek appeal to find two young goats caught on camera clambering over a police car, according to multiplenews outlets.

The kids jumped onto the roof of the vehicle on Tuesday as officers were dealing with the discovery of an unexploded mortar shell, dating from World War II, in a field outside the town of Newport.

“A couple of ‘kids’ caused damage to one of our police vehicles,” tweeted police. “If you recognise the offenders from the photo please let us know…..”

Police later shared video to Facebook of the Royal Navy Explosives Team detonating the shell to remove the danger.

The picture of the goats, meanwhile, went viral and prompted plenty of puns in reply.

“Those pesky kids,” commented one person.

“Pranks like this really get my goat,” said another.