UK Records 154 More Coronavirus Deaths In 24 Hours As Latest Care Home Data Released

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The number of people who have died in the UK after testing positive forcoronavirus has risen to 43,081 – an increase of 154 over 24 hours.

Since the end of April, the government’s daily announcement has included people in care homes and the community, rather than just in hospital, who have died.

But only those who had tested positive for Covid-19 are included, meaning anyone who died with a suspected case won’t be recorded.

The figures cover the period up to 5pm on Tuesday.

It comes after the number of people who have died in hospitals across the UK, as well as care homes in Wales, after contracting the virus rose by 64 in 24 hours.

That increase consisted of 51 in England, four in Scotland, eight in Wales and one in Northern Ireland.

Twenty-nine of England’s victims were 80 or older, with none aged under 40.

Here’s a quick primer on what all the different numbers mean and how to understand them.

Meanwhile, as of 9am on Wednesday, 8,542,186 people had been tested for coronavirus, with 306,862 coming back positive. Some 232,086 people were tested in the preceding 24 hours, with 653 new cases confirmed.

A nurse in intensive care at Frimley Park Hospital, Camberley