You Can Now Travel To The Beach – But Should You?

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“You can sit in the sun in your local park, you can drive to other destinations…” Those were the words from Boris Johnson’s speech on Sunday evening that got many of us dreaming of sand and sea.

For those of us who live a drive away from the coast, beach trips have been a no-go, but the revised lockdown rules have given them the green light. Does that mean they’re a good idea, though? 

In theory, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t sit on a quiet beach by yourself or with members of your household, Professor Paul Hunter, an expert in infectious diseases at the University of East Anglia tells HuffPost UK. “The virus will not survive long in the open air, particularly on a long, sunny day.”

However, problems will occur if everyone has the same idea and beaches become overcrowded, making the two-metre social distancing rule impossible to maintain.

“If you have children – who will still insist on running up to and playing with other children who are not part of your household, and may be from another part of the country as far as you know – that is a problem,” says Prof. Hunter, who works with the World Health Organisation to produce guidance on sanitation and disease.

It could also be particularly hard to socially distance in densely populated areas around the beach, such as the car park or footpaths leading to the coast. “A whole load of people trudging in the same direction along a public footpath, [is] quite prolonged contact and could pose a risk,” he says.   

Another obstacle (and inevitability) is needing to use the loo if you’re planning a day trip. Without cafes open, you’ll most likely be restricted to public toilets, or those within a local garage or supermarket. And touching surfaces in these loos will pose a contamination risk. Prof. Hunter says any situation where you’re forced into close proximity with other people should be avoided.

“If you do use public toilets, for God’s sake wash your hands properly afterwards,” he says. “People so often don’t wash their hands and that’s disgusting at the best of times, but during a Covid pandemic, it’s criminal.”

There’s also local residents to think about. Brighton and Hove City Council leader Nancy Platts labelled the latest guidance on beaches “high risk”, urging visitors to “stay away”, according to local paper The Argus. The Labour councillor said Boris Johnson’s announcement had “not taken the city’s needs into account”.

If you’re travelling from an area of the country with high levels of the disease, to an area with low levels of the disease, you risk bringing the infection with you and jeopardising the health of local residents, confirms Prof. Hunter. 

“If people get there and do not observe social distancing, hit the shops in large numbers and come into contact with locals needing to use those shops for their essentials – that’s where the main concern for residents would be,” he says. 

You should take into account the ethical issue of whether your beach trip will prevent someone local from being able to enjoy their nearest outdoor area – for those without a garden, the beach could be their closest outside space. 

You might decide that some time by the sea is needed to boost your family’s wellbeing – if so, there are things you can do to limit any risk. 

Turn around and go home if you arrive at the beach and it looks packed, says Prof. Hunter. Remember, even if everyone there seems healthy, someone could be infected asymptomatically.

“If you get there and you can adequately socially distance, fine, stay there for a couple of hours, be sensible,” he says. “But if it starts to fill up and you realise that nobody else is paying attention to social distancing, I would leave.” 

You might want to also consider bringing a packed lunch and other items you may need to avoid local shops. If people do not show caution, he believes the new guidelines may be short-lived. 

“On the next really hot sunny spell I expect there will be television pictures with beaches absolutely jam-packed with day-trippers and then we’ll have to ban it again,” he says, “and that would be such a shame.”