Ring Lost In US Found Buried In Finland 47 Years Later

A woman has been reunited with the high school class ring she lost 47 years ago in Maine – after it was bizarrely found in Finland.

Debra McKenna, 63, lost the ring in Portland, US, when she was a student at Morse High School, the Bangor Daily News reported. 

Mysteriously, the ring remerged when a sheet metal worker unearthed it from eight inches of soil in a Finnish forest while using a metal detector.

The ring had been a gift from McKenna’s childhood sweetheart and now late husband Shawn, who died in 2017 after a six-year battle with cancer.

The person who found it noted it had an inscription and Shawn’s initials SM, and was able to track McKenna down through the school’s alumni association.

Just how the ring – which McKenna accidentally left in a department store all those years ago – came to be discovered more than 7,000km away remains a mystery, though it brought McKenna to tears when she received it back.

“It’s very touching in this world of negativity, to have decent people step forward and make an effort,” McKenna said.

“There are good people in the world, and we need more of them.”