Two Men Found Guilty Of Rape Caught On Camera High-Fiving Each Other After Attack

Ferdinando Orlando and Lorenzo Costanzo

Two men were caught on camera high-fiving after brutally raping a woman in a London nightclub. 

Italian nationals Ferdinando Orlando and Lorenzo Costanzo were each found guilty of two counts of rape at Isleworth Crown Court on Tuesday. 

Their victim – a 23-year-old woman who has not been named – was left needing surgery after the attack in a Soho nightclub in February 2017. 

The court heard how Orlando and Constanzo approached the woman – who was visibly drunk – and took turns kissing her. They then took her to a maintenance room, where they raped her. 

After leaving her in the toilets, they then ran out of the club. It was then they were caught on CCTV high-fiving and showing one another something on a mobile phone. 

In court, the pair admitted they were watching a recording of the attack. 

After being found in the club toilets in extreme pain, their victim was escorted home. However, her injuries were so serious that she was later taken to hospital by ambulance, where she needed surgery. 

Though Orlando and Costanzo both left the UK soon after the attack, they were arrested after returning to the country in 2018. 

Met Police detective sergeant Rebecca Woodsford said: “Costanzo and Orlando thought that they could attack a vulnerable victim, brag about it and then get away with it. They were very wrong and will now pay the price for their actions.”

She added: “This was a long and thorough investigation, with no forensic leads and hours of CCTV to track through.

“I really hope that this sends a message to anyone who has been, or believes they have been the victim of a serious sexual assault that we will do all that we can to investigate each case fully and seek to prosecute those responsible.”

The date for Orlando and Constanzo’s sentencing has not yet been set.