Rebekah Vardy ‘Feels Sorry’ For Coleen Rooney But Claims She Has Yet To Provide ‘Proof’ Her Instagram Is Behind Leaks

Rebekah Vardy has said she’s still not convinced her Instagram account is the source of leaked stories about Coleen Rooney appearing in the tabloid press.

On Wednesday, Coleen went public with her suspicions after blocking access to her private Instagram account to everyone except Rebekah’s page and planted a series of false stories that later found their way into print.

A spokesman for Coleen said: “It is irrefutable that the leaks came from one account, and one account only.”

Rebekah Vardy

But in an interview with the Daily Mail, Rebekah says Coleen has yet to respond to requests for evidence from her legal team.

“We’ve asked for the proof, but it’s not been forthcoming,” Rebekah states.

The wife of Leicester City striker Jamie Vardy goes on to confirm that numerous people have been able to access her Instagram account as it’s “considered normal”.

 “Over the last few years, quite a few people have had access to my Instagram account, including a PR agency and an advertising agency,” Rebekah told the newspaper.

“And, yes, I have given my password out. It is considered a normal thing to do and I never thought very hard about it.

“I certainly never thought that something like this could happen, that someone would poach stories about another person via their Instagram,” she said. 

Coleen Rooney

Rebekah has since hired an expert to try and discover who is behind the leaks.

“We are having a forensic cybersecurity expert look at it now, first to see if it really did come from my account,” she says.

“I have no idea who it could be. I hope that we can find out what has actually gone on, that’s my aim here.”

Despite all of the drama that has unfolded in the past week, Rebekah says she “feels sorry” for Coleen.

“I do feel sorry for her in some ways,” Rebekah admits. “We have both been the subject of stories that are not nice and you don’t know where they have come from, but that doesn’t make it OK to just dump this on me and my family.”

The Sun has since responded to Coleen and Rebekah’s exchange, stating: “Each of the stories provided to The Sun was put to Coleen’s representatives before publication, and on each occasion they declined to comment.”

The Mail states that Rebekah did not receive any payment for her interview, but at her request a donation has been made to the mental health charity MIND.