Robert De Niro Lampoons Donald Trump: ‘He Thinks He’s A Gangster, And He’s Not Even A Very Good One’

Robert De Niro has once again laid into Donald Trump, comparing him to a wannabe gangster and “not even a very good” one at that.

The two-time Oscar-winning actor has previously been among Trump’s most high-profile critics, and didn’t hold back during an upcoming interview on The Graham Norton Show.

Robert De Niro

Speaking about why gangster films continue to be so popular – in the lead-up to the release of his new Netflix original The Irishman – he said: “[Gangsters] defy the law, yet have their own laws, structure and culture. There’s more honour.

“Especially with The Godfather at the time of the Vietnam War. The idea of respect and knowing right from wrong was more than we were seeing from our leaders, we were not being told the truth about what was really going on.”

Turning the conversation to Trump, he continued: “Today, we have a weird twisted president who thinks he’s a gangster – who’s not even a very good gangster.

“Gangsters have honour, you shake a hand and they have your word and you have theirs and that’s it. But with this guy, it’s not the case.” 

Trump at a rally in Minneapolis

Last year, De Niro won a standing ovation when he declared “fuck Trump” at the Tony Awards, and has since made a string of disparaging comments about the president.

Among these were when he branded Trump a “total loser” and the time he dropped the F-bomb while being interviewed live on CNN.

Months after his Tony Awards moment, a bomb squad was sent to investigate a suspicious package that was sent to De Niro’s address, which was one of nine packages sent to people and organisations that had been critical of Trump, including the Obamas, the Clintons and the CNN news organisation.

Watch De Niro’s interview in full tonight on The Graham Norton Show at 10.35pm on BBC One .