This Kid’s ‘No Drinking’ Diary For Her Parents Is Genius (But Roll On, December)

A teenager who heard her parents talking about doing ‘Dry January’ has taken it a step further – by creating her own booze-free incentives for every month of the year. 

Journalist Christoper Hope’s daughter devised the set of witty monikers to incorporate “Free of alcohol February” and “More apple juice March!” – then stuck the handwritten list to the family fridge. 

She also decorated the borders of the note with the motivational phrases: ‘Say no to drinking!’ and ‘no need to drink!’

[Read more: Quitting Booze? We Tried Non-Alcoholic Drinks To Find The Best]

It’s something when a teenager is the one telling their parent not to drink.

She decreed the fourth month of the year to be ‘Alcohol free April’ – and in a savage blow, ‘Martini free May’. June was to be ‘Drink free June’, July ‘no gin July’, followed by the sobering ‘Abstinent August’. 

‘Sober October’ followed a ‘Steady September’, shortly before ‘No-wine November’. 

But all is not lost for the chief political correspondent and assistant editor of The Daily Telegraph – because, according to his daughter, he only has to wait until… December 2020.

Or, ‘Drinking December’, as it shall henceforth be known. 

Amen to that.