Women Who Completely Quit Drinking Have Better Mental Wellbeing, Study Suggests

Giving up alcohol altogether could seriously improve mental wellbeing – especially among women, according to a new study.

The findings suggest “caution in recommending moderate drinking as part of a healthy diet”, said lead author Dr Michael Ni, from the University of Hong Kong.

In the UK, men and women are advised to drink no more than 14 units of alcohol per week – equivalent to a bottle and a half of wine or five pints of export-type lager (5% abv) over the course of seven days.

[Read more: Meet the people in their 20s who have fallen out of love with alcohol]

The study, published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, looked at data from 10,386 people in Hong Kong who were nondrinkers or moderate drinkers (14 drinks or less per week for men and seven drinks or less per week for women) between 2009 and 2013.

They compared this with data from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions, a representative survey of 31,079 people conducted by the National Institute on alcohol abuse in the United States.

From the data set, about 64% of men were nondrinkers (abstainers and former drinkers) and almost 88% of women were nondrinkers. Men and women who were lifetime abstainers had the highest level of mental wellbeing at the start of the study.

For women who were moderate drinkers and gave up drinking, their quitting was linked to a favourable change in mental wellbeing in both Chinese and American study populations.

“Global alcohol consumption is expected to continue to increase unless effective strategies are employed,” said Dr Ni. “Our findings suggest caution in recommendations that moderate drinking could improve health-related quality of life. Instead, quitting drinking may be associated with a more favourable change in mental wellbeing, approaching the level of lifetime abstainers.”

A growing number of people in their 20s now say they favour drinking at a moderate level, or not at all, over getting blackout drunk. 

Data suggests that almost one-third (29%) of 16-24 year-olds class themselves as “nondrinkers”, while the number of under 25s who admit to binge-drinking has decreased from 27% in 2005 to 18% in 2015.

Nicola Semple, 29, from Yorkshire, previously told HuffPost UK she significantly reduced her alcohol intake after noticing it seemed to have a negative effect on her mental health.

For a few days after she’d drink alcohol, her state of mind deteriorated. “I used to drink way more than I should on nights out, so when my mental illness was severe cutting it out altogether was the only option,” she said. “The most I usually have [now] is two drinks if I am at an event or party.” 

Tips For Cutting Down

If you do want to cut down on the amount you drink, or completely quit booze altogether, there are certain things you can do to make the process easier.

1. Make a plan

When University of Bristol researchers looked at data on the drinking patterns of nearly 3,000 drinkers, they found very few people managed to keep their alcohol intake down when followed up six months later. The block? They didn’t make a plan and stick to it.

Lead author Dr Frank de Vocht, from Bristol Medical School, said: “We wanted to find out if motivation alone changes limiting intake. Sadly, although people start with good intentions, our results suggest that something more is required for those intentions to make a difference.”

He suggested that people who genuinely want to change their drinking habits should obtain “structural support”. For example, using smartphone apps so your intentions are in writing and can’t be brushed aside.

2. Count your drinks

Download the Drinkaware app, which helps you calculate how many units you’d like to cut down by and keeps track of how much you’re drinking throughout the year.

Alternatively, you can just keep a drinks diary and jot down how many drinks you normally drink, so you can cut back by just skipping one or two drinks a week. Remember: the UK’s Chief Medical Officers recommend taking at least three drink-free days each week.

3. Go alcohol-free

These days, you can go to pretty much any bar or restaurant and be met with an extensive list of mocktails or non-alcoholic options. Additionally, there are new low-alcohol beers and wines popping up in supermarkets all the time. Do your research and practise your smug face for when you sip on a delicious (and zero embarrassment) virgin mojito at Friday night drinks.

4. Downsize your drinks

If you still want to drink booze but don’t want to consume as much, make the units go further by opting for smaller sized beverages.

Ben Butler, Drinkaware’s marketing and communication director, explained: “If you’re a beer drinker, make the units go further by drinking halves instead of pints. If you’re a wine drinker then opt for a smaller glass.”

5. Don’t go it alone

If a few of your mates want to cut down too, make a pact to do it together. That way you can all keep track of one another and offer a bit of moral support when you feel like you’re slipping.

6. Try dinner-only drinking

If you struggle with cutting down, Ben Butler suggests adopting a new rule in your life where you only drink when having dinner. That way, one won’t lead to 10.

7. Buy a measure

If you are drinking at home, buy an alcohol measure and make sure you use it so you’re not free-pouring too much booze into your glass.

8. Find new pastimes

If your social life used to consist of work, going out for drinks and going home, why not take up some new hobbies to help fill the gap? The gym is a great time-filler and it’s excellent news for your health. Darren Rolfe, CEO of Steps Together rehab centre, recommends spending more time outside too.

“Exercise and fresh air is great for the body and mind,” he said. “If you fancy a drink, go for a walk instead.” Alternatively, learn a new skill, redecorate your home or help someone with a project. As Rolfe puts it: “Keep busy.”

9. Speak to your GP if you need more support

Sometimes cutting down on your alcohol intake is no easy ride. If you’d like more support, Alcohol Change UK recommends speaking to your GP. They will be able to put you in touch with your local alcohol support service who can offer you a few weeks of support to help you get your strategy in place. 

Find out more about the support on offer here.