Tommy Robinson Faces Jail After Being Found In Contempt Of Court

Tommy Robinson is facing jail after being found guilty of contempt of court. 

The former English Defence League (EDL) leader, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, committed the offence by filming defendants accused of the sexual exploitation of young girls and live-streaming the footage, in breach of a reporting ban.

A reporting restriction was put in place which postponed the publication of any details of the case until the end of a series of linked trials involving 29 defendants, in a bid to prevent to ensure all defendants received a fair trial.

The far-right activist broadcast the footage from outside Leeds Crown Court on May 25 2018, while the jury in the second trial was considering its verdict.

Dame Victoria Sharp, sitting at the Old Bailey with Mr Justice Warby, found Yaxley-Lennon in contempt in three respects.

Yaxley-Lennon was surrounded by journalists and security as he left the court. A couple of his supporters then sprang from the crowd to film journalists, calling them “scum”.

Addressing the crowd, Yaxley-Lennon said the verdict was wrong. He repeated his claims the verdict will have a negative impact on press freedom.

He said: “I’ve been convicted ’cos of who I am, not what I’ve done.”

Yaxley-Lennon leaving the court on Friday.

Dame Victoria said he breached the reporting restriction imposed on the trial, by livestreaming the video from outside the public entrance to the court and by “aggressively confronting and filming” some of the defendants.

The judge said the content of the video “gave rise to a substantial risk that the course of justice in that case would be seriously impeded” and the confrontation of the defendants was a direct interference with the course of justice.

She added: “In our judgment, the respondent’s conduct in each of those respects amounted to a serious interference with the administration of justice.

“Detailed reasons for this decision will be handed down shortly. A hearing to decide the appropriate penalty will take place on a date to be fixed by the court.”

A provisional date of July 11 was given, depending on the availability of a medical expert for Yaxley-Lennon.

Dame Victoria said the court will consider what penalty to impose for the contempt, and give full reasons for the decision, at a later date.

Yaxley-Lennon, wearing a blue jacket, blue shirt and jeans, showed little reaction as the judge announced the decision.

Outside the court, ripples of anger turned into howls of fury and disbelief as the verdict filtered through.

A small number of his supporters marched purposefully towards the front of the court entrance, to barriers sectioning off police from the public, to make their feelings known.

The crowd, as one, then began chanting “shame on you” and pointed at the court.

Speaking after the ruling, the Attorney General Geoffrey Cox QC, who brought the contempt proceedings against Yaxley-Lennon, said: “Posting material online that breaches reporting restrictions or risks prejudicing legal proceedings is a very serious matter and this is reflected in the court’s decision today.

“I would urge everyone to think carefully about whether their social media posts could amount to contempt of court.”

Later on Friday evening, Yaxley-Lennon, issued a message to supporters on his Telegram group.

He said: “This is the biggest political stitch up we have ever seen. So every single journalist that photographed Tommy going into this court — are they going to be in the Old Bailey and getting guilty of contempt of court?

“This is the biggest case of ‘one rule for Tommy’ and one for everyone else.

“British justice system and the establishment stinks.”

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