This Teacher’s Genius Letter Answers Every Question Your Kids Have On A Hot Day

When a history teacher wrote a letter to her students about lessons in the summer months, she probably didn’t realise how many people would relate. 

We all remember the way it used to feel – stuck in a classroom, hot and sweaty, with the sun shining outside – and the questions we would ask: Can we take our jumper off? Shall we just go outside? Is class cancelled?

So Karen Knight came up with the top answers to the questions pupils fire at her every year when it gets hot.

She speaks for us all. 

[Read More: How to stay safe in the sun at school]

Other teachers shared their favourite additions for the list, based on their (bitter) experiences. 

There’s the unforgettable scent of Lynx deodorant:

The stating the completely-bleeding-obvious:

The illogical opening of windows to let the heat in:

The adaptable teaching skills we’re lucky to have in schools, everywhere:

The ‘I’ll try anything to get out of here’:

And the, “please, kids, for goodness sake, have a shower”:

Preach, Mrs Knight, and fellow teachers everywhere. Preach.