Led By Donkeys Mount UK-Wide Poster Campaign Aimed At Showing Up Boris Johnson

Anti-Brexit campaigners Led By Donkeys are to mount posters across the UK displaying the “rich treasure trove” of embarrassing material on potential future PM, Boris Johnson.

Group member Ben Stewart told Metro that the billboards would highlight the Tory leadership hopeful’s “hypocrisy”.

“There’s a rich treasure trove of material on that guy – previous quotes and stunning contradictions,” Stewart told the news website.

The posters are yet to be revealed.

Stewart added: “I think the public have got a pretty good sense of when they’re being confronted by a bullshitter frankly. We’re a really sensible bunch in Britain most of the time and I think most people know the guy’s one.”

On Tuesday, the group also released a poster depicting the tiny percentage of people who hold the fate of the nation’s leadership in their hands.

Writing on Twitter to its 250,000 followers, the group said: “The Conservative Party is about to foist a charlatan on our country and 99.7% of us are being given no say whatsoever.

“New posters going up across the UK today.”

The posters display the “diversity of Britain” through emojis, beside one standalone emoji of an old, white man supposed to represent the Tory membership.

Some 125,000 Conservative party members are set to vote between the final two candidates – Jeremy Hunt and Johnson – with the new Prime Minister to be announced on June 23.

The stunt is not the group’s first. Earlier this year, a billboard followed Theresa May to Brussels just before the original Brexit deadline of March 29, which displayed an April 2016 tweet of the PM saying she was in favour of the European Union.

In May, the guerilla group also took aim at Brexit party leader Nigel Farage, appearing to write his “manifesto”, using previous quotes by him.