‘Sadistic’ Serial Rapist Who Attacked 6 Women Jailed For 20 Years

Mark Scott must serve a custodial sentence of 20 years with an extended licence period of 8 years 

A “vile and abhorrent” serial rapist who violently attacked six women over a 13-year period has been jailed for 20 years, police have said.

Mark Scott, 34, was found guilty of nine rapes and one attempted rape after a trial at Hull Crown Court last month, Humberside Police said.

His victims were praised for their bravery in coming forward to give evidence against the “sadistic” former prison officer.

On Tuesday, recorder Ben Nolan QC sentenced Scott to a 20-year jail term, with an extended licence period of eight years.

He said the defendant, formerly of Daville Close, Hull, had an “ingrained sense of entitlement to sex on his terms” and a “sadistic streak”.

He also described Scott as a “dangerous man” who displayed violence towards his victims while committing his crimes, which date back to 2005 and stretched over a period of 13 years.

Detective sergeant Anneliese Tomlinson, from Humberside Police, said: “Mark Scott is a vile and abhorrent sex criminal who tried to wriggle his way out of his perverted crimes.

“He pleaded not guilty to his offences with no thought for anyone but himself and for his own self-preservation.

“The women had to relive the nightmare of their experiences in court, during a trial which lasted seven weeks, purely because Mark Scott tried to save himself from going to prison. He didn’t.

“I’m relieved that this dangerous man will now be spending a long time behind bars.”

Tomlinson added: “The women who came forward in the case should be held in the highest esteem for their bravery and dignity throughout.

“I have the utmost respect for them for contacting us, working with us and helping us bring this individual to justice.

“Ultimately it has led to Mark Scott being handed a significant sentence today which will mean he will be removed from any direct contact with women for a very long time.”