Selfless Police Officers Cared For Woman’s Three Kids While She Took Her Child To Hospital

Three police officers have been praised for taking care of a woman’s three children so she could rush her other child to hospital on New Year’s Eve.

Constables Robert Franklin, Gilroy Edwards and Raniel Brown from Jamaica Constabulary Force appear in a viral video which sees them each holding a child – a toddler and two babies – while sat in their police car. In the back, one of the officers can be seen bottle-feeding a tiny baby in his arms.

The video has had a quarter of a million views after being shared on Facebook by the police force, who praised the officers for their “selfless act”.

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The video was captioned: “Members of the Kingston West Zones of Special Operations had their hands full on New Year’s Eve assisting a mother with her three children, while she rushed her fourth child to the hospital.

“The officers were asked by the mother to keep an eye on her children and they did just that.”

At the time of writing, the video had received more than one thousand comments. “The officer in the back is so focused on getting that baby fed it melts my heart,” one person wrote.

Another commented: “They say ‘it takes a whole village to raise a child’. These officers have proven just that.”

One person added that it’s nothing new: “Police have always been doing things like this. Thank God for social media. Continue the good work officers.”

The officers have since been offered free all-inclusive holidays it has been reported, after advocacy group Sarah’s Children, which lobbies for better treatment of abused children, partnered with tourist associations to thank them for their work.

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