Chrissy Teigen Makes Two-Year-Old Luna A Restaurant Menu To Deal With Her Fussy Eating

Chrissy Teigen has come up with a solution for her toddler’s fussy eating habits, by making her a laminated restaurant menu with photos (and prices!) of dishes.

The mum-of-two previously tweeted, explaining she was struggling to make dinner for Luna, who only seemed to want spaghetti or fish sticks. 

“I’m now spending my days making a menu, cooking and plating every meal and taking pics so my darling angel will eat something,” she wrote on Twitter. “Who have I become?! I just love projects.”

Last night, Teigen shared a video of said menu – and it’s pretty impressive.

The menu features dishes including: cereal and bananas, grilled cheese, cheese quesadilla, crispy fish sticks, and the adorably named ham and cheese “lunables”. Luna is clearly a cheese connoisseur.

Each page has the name of the dish, a brief description of what it is, a photo of it, and a price. Parents thought the idea was genius – some even asking whether they could buy one from the celeb mum.

And when people questioned why there were prices on the menu, Teigen said she thinks her daughter is more likely to eat it if she pays – with fake money. 

Following Teigen’s example, other parents shared tips on how to handle fussy eaters:

Call It A Snack

Get Kids Involved

Fake Jealousy

Change The Names