Harry Redknapp Sending Jam Roly Polys To The Homeless After Being Inundated Following ‘I’m A Celebrity’ Win

Harry Redknapp will be gifting lots of jam roly poly pudding to the homeless this Christmas, after being inundated with them following his ‘I’m A Celebrity’ win. 

The football manager made no secret of his love for the dessert during his time on the ITV reality show, and has subsequently been sent loads of them from fans. 

And while we’re sure he contemplated eating them all after almost starving in the jungle, Harry will be taking them to soup kitchen in Bournemouth later this week.

Speaking to The Mirror, he said: “Everyone is sending me jam roly poly puddings. I’m waiting for someone who makes them to ask me to do an advert.

“What we will do Thursday night is take them and give them to the homeless. Hopefully, Sandra will be able to cook some as there is a place where they get a dinner on a Thursday night – so we will take it to those guys, I think they will enjoy that.”

Harry with wife Sandra

Claire Matthews of Hope for Food told BBC News Harry is a regular supporter of the charity.

“He’s just Harry – the amount of help he gives us a massive boost to our work – he’ll do anything to help,” she said.

Harry was crowned King Of The Jungle earlier this month, beating Emily Atack and John Barrowman in the final of ‘I’m A Celebrity’. 

After winning, Harry said: “I’m amazed. I’m amazed I survived three weeks to be honest with you.”