Author: Fuel Cells News
Webinar February 7: Addressing Challenges to Water Splitting Materials for Hydrogen Production through HydroGEN AWSM, a Multi-Lab Collabo…
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This webinar will provide an overview of the HydroGEN Advanced Water Splitting Materials (AWSM) consortium, part of DOE’s Energy Materials Network.
Energy Department Announces Collaboration with Michigan to Advance Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
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A Memorandum of Understanding with the Michigan Economic Development Corporation aims to enhance collaboration on hydrogen and fuel cell R&D.
Energy Department Announces Notice of Intent to Issue a Funding Opportunity Announcement on H2@Scale
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H2@Scale focuses on enabling affordable, reliable large-scale hydrogen generation, transport, storage, and utilization across multiple U.S. sectors.
Webinar January 9: Addressing Key Challenges to Hydrogen Storage in Advanced Materials through HyMARC, a Multi-Lab Collaboration
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Researchers at Sandia and NREL will expand on HyMARC’s mission to accelerate the development of innovative hydrogen storage materials.
DOE hosts a Hydrogen Fuel Cell Car Learn, Ride & Drive to Commemorate Veterans Month
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Representatives of the EnergyVets Resource Group at DOE were able learn more about how fuel cell cars work and hear about the potential of hydrogen.
Save the Date: DOE’s 2019 Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program AMR
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Save the date announcement for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program 2019 Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation meeting.