Author: Fuel Cells News
Fuel Cell Car Ride-and-Learn at the Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation Meeting
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FCTO will host a Fuel Cell Car Ride-and-Learn Tuesday, April 30, from 12:30 to 2 p.m., during the Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program AMR.
March 28 Webinar: Fuel Cell Durability and Performance through FC-PAD, a Multilab Collaboration
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The Fuel Cell Technologies Office will present a live webinar on the FC-PAD multilab collaboration on Thursday, March 28, at 12 p.m. Eastern.
Department of Energy Announces $31 Million in Funding To Advance H2@Scale
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The focus of H2@Scale is to enable affordable and reliable large-scale hydrogen generation, transport, storage, and utilization in the United States.
Department of Energy Announces $50 Million for Commercial Truck, Off-road Vehicle, and Gaseous Fuels Research
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Funding opportunity addresses priorities in gaseous fuels research, including natural gas, biopower, and hydrogen; and more.
Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program’s Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation Meeting Early Bird Registration Closing March 3
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The AMR will be held April 29–May 1 in the Hyatt Regency Crystal City Hotel in Crystal City, Virginia.
Office of Fossil Energy Joins Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation
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The Office of Fossil Energy's 20th Annual Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Project Review Meeting will be held April 29-May 1, 2019, in Crystal City, Virginia.