by: Bey Abdullah
Every individual is measured by their manners and behavior. Good manners reflect a noble character, earning respect from others. In Islam, good character holds a high status and is one of the defining qualities of a true believer. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) emphasized the importance of manners as a reflection of one’s faith, indicating that a person with good character will be valued both in this world and in the Hereafter. Therefore, teaching children about moral values and virtuous character is the first step in shaping a generation that is strong in faith and possesses exemplary behavior.
Islam strongly advocates the application of moral values in all aspects of life. Allah (SWT) commands always to do good, be honest, act justly, and show compassion. In raising children, introducing these values from an early age is crucial so they can grow into individuals with good character and a sense of care for others. Loving goodness and adhering to Allah’s commands will become an inherent characteristic in children if taught and consistently implemented by parents and also teachers.
The Qur’an itself serves as the primary source for every Muslim to understand and internalize virtuous values. The Qur’an contains profound wisdom that guides life. The Qur’an verses teach praiseworthy attitudes Allah loves, such as honesty, patience, and sincerity. The Qur’an also narrates stories of righteous individuals (muslihin) from the past, providing a lot of role models that children can emulate in their daily lives.
One of the most insightful stories in the Qur’an is that of Luqman Al-Hakim. Luqman was known for his wisdom in educating his son to always do good, uphold good character, and avoid wrongdoing. His story conveys values that are relevant and easily understood by children. By introducing this story to the children, children will have an inspiring figure to look up to in their daily lives while fostering their love for the Qur’an.
In addition to Luqman, the Qur’an also recounts the lives of Prophet Dawud and Prophet Sulaiman—both of whom were kings and prophets. Despite their high status, they led lives filled with piety and justice. The story of Prophet Sulaiman, who was just and wise in ruling his people, can serve as an example for children of how power and honor should be handled with integrity (amanah). Teaching children to admire the leadership and piety of Prophet Sulaiman provides them with an inspirational figure from the ranks of kings and nobility of the commoners, which is mentioned in the Qur’an.
The Qur’an should be the primary reading material for every child, with the translation and explanation of each verse (tadabbur). Reading the Qur’an should not only be a religious practice but also a source of inspiration and life lessons since the Qur’an, Allah mentions it as a book of knowledge (al-hikmah). In the early stages of their development, children can be introduced to the Qur’an by memorizing short surahs while understanding their meanings and wisdom. This way, the Qur’an becomes more than just a recitation, it becomes a guide that is understood and cherished from an early age.
Parents and teachers play a crucial role in fostering children’s love for the Qur’an. They need to convey the wisdom of Qur’anic verses in a simple and comprehensible manner. For example, sharing stories of prophets or pious individuals from the Qur’an using language suitable for children can make learning enjoyable and engaging. This approach ensures that children do not feel bored but are instead eager to learn more about the Qur’an.
A child’s love for the Qur’an will be evident when they turn to it as a source of inspiration. Children who love the Qur’an will use it as a reference in their behavior, expanding their minds and decision-making. They will find it easier to understand and embody the noble character taught in the Qur’an. By encouraging children to read and comprehend the Qur’an from an early age, they will grow into a generation that cherishes their faith and upholds virtuous character, ultimately contributing positively to society.