Category: Edu
‘Reckless’ to scrap BTecs, educators warn
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The government is urged to rethink its plans to introduce new technical qualifications in England.
Richer parents pressured teachers on exam grades
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“Sharp-elbowed” parents have been chasing better grades in this year’s replacement exams, says study.
MPs call for national register of home-educated children
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They say the government must “get a grip” on the number of children taught at home in England.
National Adoption Strategy: £48m to improve services in England
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A new National Adoption Strategy aims to enhance support to families and end a postcode lottery.
‘Ghost school’ with no students for a second year
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English language schools warn they are on the “brink of collapse” after two summers without students.
Parents’ fears over sexting and abuse among teenagers
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A mother and a father reveal their shock at learning of their children’s experiences of online sex.