Author: Fuel Cells News
Celebrate Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day with the Energy Department
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DOE and stakeholders worldwide will be commemorating Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day on Oct. 8 with announcements and virtual events throughout the week.
Oct. 8: A Special National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day H2IQ Hour—Highlighting H2@Scale Demonstration Projects
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Join the H2IQ Hour on Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day for a deep dive on three demonstration efforts that are supporting EERE’s H2@Scale vision.
Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office Announces FY 2020 Program Awards
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These annual awards recognize outstanding contributions to the DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program and achievements in specific technical areas.
Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Hydrogen and Fuel Cells?
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Hydrogen and fuel cell technologies power cars, buildings and more. But how much do you know about them? Test your knowledge with this quiz!
Energy Department Announces Multi-Agency Award for Industry Project to Develop Disaster Relief Vehicle
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DOE announces collaboration with Department of Defense on H2Rescue hydrogen off-road vehicle project.
H2IQ Hour September 29: How Advanced Manufacturing is Helping Address Needs in Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
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Learn about EERE’s Advanced Manufacturing Office and specific examples of how its work is advancing hydrogen and fuel cell manufacturing technologies.