Author: Fuel Cells News
DOE Seeks Feedback on the Use of Challenges and Prize Competitions to Address Critical Water Issues
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DOE seeking feedback on barriers that could prevent long-term access to low-cost water supplies best addressed through challenges/prize competitions.
Office of Fossil Energy Joins Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Annual Merit Review
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Office of Fossil Energy’s NETL’s 19th Annual Solid Fuel Cell Project Review Meeting will be held in conjunction with the 2018 AMR in Washington, D.C.
Webinar April 25: 2018 Cost Projections of PEM Fuel Cell Systems for Automobiles and Medium-Duty Vehicles
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FCTO will present a live webinar on polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cell system cost projections for 80 kW automobiles and 160 kW trucks.
Department of Energy Announces $39 million for Innovative Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Research and Development
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Funding will address key early-stage technical challenges for fuel cells and for hydrogen fuel production, delivery, and storage.
DOE Announces Participation in 2018 National Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Forum
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The National Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Forum will be held June 12 to discuss the state of the industry, recent accomplishments, and future plans.
U.S. DOE Hydrogen Prize Winner Exports Innovative Small-Scale Hydrogen Refueling Appliance to Japan
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DOE and Japan’s New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization announced a collaboration on hydrogen and fuel cell data sharing.