Author: Fuel Cells News
Energy Department Releases Request for Information on Multi-Sector Uses of Hydrogen
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Hydrogen request for information released today in support of the H2@Scale Initiative
Kâ12 Teachers Get Up Close to Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology
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FCTO joined forces with the Smithsonian to increase understanding of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies among a group of 30 science teachers.
Webinar June 26: Thermodynamic and Economic Modeling of Boil-Off Losses in Liquid Hydrogen Handling Processes
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FCTO will present a live webinar titled “Thermodynamic and Economic Modeling of Boil-Off Losses in Liquid Hydrogen Handling Processes” on June 26.
Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program Presents Annual Merit Review Awards
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DOE’s Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program presented awards for contributions to overall Program efforts and to recognize achievements in specific areas.
Department of Energy Seeks Feedback on Regulatory Barriers to Hydrogen Infrastructure
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Goal is to identify priority research and development areas to reduce the regulatory barriers affecting the implementation of hydrogen technologies.
REMINDER: Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program AMR Starts Tomorrow
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The 2018 Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation Meeting (AMR) is June 13–15 at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park hotel in Washington, D.C.