Author: Fuel Cells News
DOE Announces SBIR/STTR FY 2019 Phase I Release 2 Topics
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Nine EERE technology offices, including FCTO, will fund proposals under 12 topics: one for each technology office and three joint office topics.
Energy Department Launches Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Career Map
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This tool will allow users of all ages to discover traditional and non-traditional career opportunities in the hydrogen and fuel cells industry.
Driving to a Hydrogen Future
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Energy Department funding has led to more than 730 U.S. patents and 30 technologies related to hydrogen and fuel cells.
REMINDER: Energy Department Releases Request for Information on Multi-Sector Uses of Hydrogen
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Responses to request for information on opportunities to enable high volume production and multi-sector use of hydrogen are due October 31, 2018.
Energy Department and Army TARDEC to Collaborate on Hydrogen and Fuel Cells for Military Use
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DOE MOU with DOD will enable the two research organizations to work more closely on technologies that can meet both organizations’ goals.
Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day Webinar: DOE Loan Programs Office Opportunities
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On Oct. 10, to celebrate Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day 2018, FCTO will present a webinar overview of the Loan Programs Office’s mission and resources.