11 Reviews Of Donald Trump’s SOTU Speech

Donald Trump undertook a delicate balancing act Tuesday night as he urged lawmakers to work toward bipartisan compromises, but pushed a hard line on immigration.

Trump, in his first State of the Union speech, gave no ground on the contentious issue of whether to shield young immigrants known as “Dreamers” from deportation.

Aiming to keep conservative supporters happy as he looks to November congressional elections, Trump was visibly impressed with himself (see video above), but here’s how it went down elsewhere…

Luntz is one of America’s best-known public-opinion gurus and has been consistently critical of Trump despite being a strategist for the Republican party.

Normally his tweets are lightly (in Twitter terms) critical such as when he commented on the Britain First retweet controversy.

Ironically, President Trump’s Twitter account accused multiple news organizations of “putting out so much fake news” right after retweeting a false claim that the attacker in this video was a “Muslim migrant.” pic.twitter.com/tuVWzecUtN

November 29, 2017
Tonight, I owe Donald Trump an apology. Tonight, I was moved and inspired. Tonight, I have hope and faith in America again. It may go away tomorrow… But tonight, America is great again. #SOTU

January 31, 2018
Americans FINALLY have a president fighting for their best interests abroad. 37 MAJOR trade deals on @realDonaldTrump’s trip to Asia totalling more than $250 million. We won’t lead from behind anymore. #SOTU

January 31, 2018
.@CBSNews Poll: Three in four Americans who tuned in to President Trump’s State of the Union address approved of the speech he gave. Just a quarter disapproved. #SOTUhttps://t.co/9RLDGs1LvMpic.twitter.com/YxbuLKZmbF— CBS This Morning ❄️ (@CBSThisMorning) January 31, 2018
Melania hasn’t spoke publicly about the speech but she did arrive on her own…
Anyone catch this? Melania Trump failed to stand with everyone else when Trump stated: “In America we know that faith and Family, not government and bureaucracy are the the center of Democracy”#SOTU#StateofOurUnionpic.twitter.com/lrsuVdWD48

January 31, 2018
Missed this photo from last night: First Lady Melania Trump departs Capitol after State of the Union (via pool) pic.twitter.com/RmKb1DJ7xY
Melania Trump looks as happy as someone whose husband slept with a porn star while she was pregnant… #SOTU
The Washington Post opinion writer wasn’t swallowing the whole “unity” thing.
Trump pitted current immigrants against future ones. And his deeper argument remains that immigration at anything close to current levels is basically a malevolent and destructive force. https://t.co/wK5lMQIMcg

January 31, 2018
“Trump actually doubled down on pretty much every aspect of his presidency that large majorities of Americans have found so searingly polarising and divisive. The real core of the speech was his effort to rhetorically recast the key elements of that approach as unifying and conciliatory without moving past them at all.”
This was a theme echoed by Jon Favreau, former-speech write for President Obama.

“Americans are dreamers too” is also intentionally divisive on an issue where 80%+ of the public agrees, so don’t tell me Trump even attempted to unify.
*NEW COLUMN* 75% of Americans who watched President Trump’s SOTU speech liked what they heard. This spells big trouble for the Democrats. https://t.co/56m26KTrG3pic.twitter.com/ZnPtLHZRJK

January 31, 2018
Hmm, liking a speech is a very different kettle of fish to liking a presidency – perhaps when the number below is around 75 percent across the entire country the Dems really will be worried.
Donald Trump’s approval rating is above 50% in only 12 states | Analysis by @CillizzaCNNhttps://t.co/wFf6xTxswspic.twitter.com/9RBMQxqfBx
Regardless, Piers writes:

“For such a seriously divisive and polarising President, who is currently languishing with just 39% personal approval ratings, these were sensationally good results. “Interestingly, 8/10 Americans in the poll felt the President was trying to unite the country with his speech and two thirds of Americans said it made them feel proud. “Less than a quarter that watched said it made them feel scared or angry.”
That’s right, we live in a world in which less than 25 percent of Americans not being terrified of their own President is deemed a success.


The Democratic leader was far from impressed and doesn’t look set to take Trump up on his offer of cooperation when he said:

“Tonight, I call upon all of us to set aside our differences, to seek out common ground, and to summon the unity we need to deliver for the people we were elected to serve.”

Trump creates disorder and then complains about the lack of order. He throws bipartisan deals in the trash bin and then bemoans the lack of cooperation.
Amazing, inspirational speech @realDonaldTrump To the haters in the media, and those that wanted him to fail, nobody cares what you have to say. America is back. Thank God

January 31, 2018
But here’s a reminder from just last week about just how quickly Sean will completely U-turn on his principles to fit his narratives.
Sean Hannity: The New York Times is trying to distract you. They say Trump tried to fire Mueller, but our sources aren’t confirming that! Sean Hannity, minutes later: Alright, yeah, maybe our sources confirm Trump wanted to fire Mueller. But so what? That’s his right. Anywho… pic.twitter.com/yUIt7Un56d

January 26, 2018
Last night’s HISTORIC #SOTU speech outlined the Trump Admin’s record-setting accomplishments in year one – more than 2M new jobs, largest tax cut in history, ISIS on the run – and presented an optimistic vision for building a SAFE, STRONG & PROUD America. Let’s get it done. #MAGApic.twitter.com/EseRB1POw1

January 31, 2018
He is of course forgetting to mention all of the economic success lauded by Trump during his speech can almost entirely be attributed to non-Trump factors, but when you stare at someone like Mike Pence stares at his boss, you have no choice but to play it up.

Melania – watch out. Mike Pence is about to make a move on your husband. pic.twitter.com/TqU2P40wKz
Mike Pence’s catatonic eyes drilling fiendish love holes into the back of Trump’s weird half-empty Easter basket head. Who can watch that? #SOTU
No one knows if he watched the speech last night or not but the very next day news broke that suggested he had just carried on working instead.

It was revealed he is seeking to interview the former spokesman of Trump’s legal team as part of an investigation into potential collusion between Russia and Trump’s campaign to sway the 2016 US presidential election.

Corallo may be questioned about reports that Trump had dictated a misleading statement on a meeting in June 2016 that his son held with a group of Russians, the source said.

This should all end well…

The President is reportedly considering asking his AG to *prosecute* a special counsel who is investigating his administration. Would immediately plunge the country into constitutional crisis. https://t.co/RWJe6DTDIn

January 30, 2018