‘First Dates Ireland’ Airs First Same-Sex Date Carried Out Entirely In Sign Language

‘First Dates’ has the ability to warm even the coldest of hearts, but you’d have to be made of stone not to be moved by one match on the Irish version.

An episode that aired earlier this week featured the show’s first same-sex couple to carry out a date entirely in sign language.

John Charles, who is deaf, came to the show looking for love, having had a hard time trying to date due to his hearing condition.

He was matched with Stephen – a man with full hearing, but who could also communicate via signing.

The pair bonded over the experiences of dating, with John admitting how on previous dates with hearing men, he’d be forced to communicate with them over text message.

The’s show’s inclusivity was widely praised on social media:

You know what the best thing about Irish Sign Language date on #FirstDatesIRL tonight was? The fact that @COCOtv didn’t do a voiceover for the date. Such a small but powerful thing to do because it really made people pay attention to what a beautiful language ISL is! #YestoISL

January 30, 2018
How cute were Stephen and John Charles on #FirstDatesIRL so glad they had a lovely date and had awesome banter together. Everyone deserves some happiness ???❤

January 31, 2018
Thank you so much #FirstDatesIRL@COCOtv for giving equal opportunities to Deaf dater with Irish Sign Language. Here’s hoping to see more of this! #diversity#inclusion

January 30, 2018
The 2 lads signing on #firstdatesirl is the best thing on tv this week. I always remember deaf people telling us how they felt “extreme marginalisation” when the Irish Sign Language Bill was progressing through Seanad. Hopefully visibility can help break that down.? ? #ISLabú

January 30, 2018
I really hope this date encourages more people to learn sign language! #FirstDatesIRL
However, there wasn’t the perfect ending for the couple, as it was later revealed things hadn’t worked out between them. 
DATER UPDATE From spirituality to sign language, it’s been another successful night in the First Dates restaurant. Here’s how some of tonight’s daters have been getting on since their dates.#FirstDatesIRLpic.twitter.com/EyQEvddU8g

January 30, 2018