Donald Trump Jr. drew ridicule on Twitter on Tuesday for his hot take on the conservatorship that pop star Britney Spears has been under for the last 13 years, and which she spoke out against in court last week.
Former President Donald Trump’s son attempted to politicise the control that Spears’ father, Jamie Spears, has exerted over her life with this post, in which he spelled the singer’s first name wrong:
How many Americans rightly concerned about Brittany Spears’ conservatorship had no problems with America’s conservatorship under blue state governors for the past year???
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) June 29, 2021
I’m guessing close to 100%
Critics were confused by Trump Jr.’s false equivalence, and angered by his typo:
Britney! You could at least try to get it right
— Julie 🇨🇦 (@JulieS604) June 30, 2021
Swing and a miss.
— Cody Dog (@CodyIsAGoodBoy) June 29, 2021
This makes zero sense
— 💐💐🌷🌻jeannie🌷🌻💐 (@kiwi1017) June 29, 2021
One of the worst takes. Ever.
— Glen Meynardie (@gmeynardie) June 30, 2021
It's not even a good metaphor.
— Joanna Fernandez (@Joannafersulli) June 30, 2021
— Dan Peter (@Crossy_25) June 30, 2021
If you actually care about Britney’s situation, there are a million things you can do to help her. Don’t use her unimaginable pain to to push whatever narrative you have
— Jess {fan acc} (@britneyxmariah) June 30, 2021
It's Britney, not Brittany
— Fernando Quiroz (@fernando_velq13) June 30, 2021
Running out of material, are we?
— Virgil (@___virgil___) June 29, 2021
Again…Jr reminds us he is not an intellectual giant.
— The Mountains are calling…& I must go. (@PedsSJ) June 29, 2021
— Slugbait (@Slug_B8) June 30, 2021
Seriously, you don’t know how her name is spelled?
Do you even remember who she is, Junior?
Let’s compare apples and whales, shall we?
— PSaunders🇨🇦 (@psaunders1959) June 29, 2021
*Britney Spears
— DCinsider (@DCinsider_) June 30, 2021
The stretching here is amazing.
— Shark (@intheboombox) June 30, 2021
That’s a stretch, Jr.
— ChapmanHapman (@ChapmanHapman) June 30, 2021
Man, you’re trying so hard to stay relevant.
— Sean O (@sposhe) June 29, 2021