Following the devastating news that Jane McDonald will be leaving her Channel 5 travel show, the broadcaster has confirmed they intend to keep the franchise going without her.
Instead, the show will return with a new host and a new name: Cruising With Susan Calman.
Yes, the Scottish comedian and former Strictly Come Dancing star is set to take over both Cruising With… and its spin-off Holidaying With… for future series, following the success of her own Channel 5 travel show, Secret Scotland With Susan Calman.
She said: “I’m over the moon to be working with Channel 5 on such a prestigious group of shows.
“I can’t wait to go on exciting voyages and incredible journeys and take the wonderful viewers with me. It’s the start of a magnificent chapter and I can’t wait to get going!”
Channel 5’s Director of Programming Ben Frow also said Susan was his “first and only choice” to replace Jane McDonald, adding that he was “absolutely cock-a-hoop that she is doing more with Channel 5.
He said: “I have encouraged her to make both shows uniquely hers and I am genuinely excited to see how she evolves them in her own, inimitable style. The world is, literally, her oyster and I can’t wait to travel it with her.”
Cruising With Jane McDonald debuted in 2017, and has since gone on to become one of Channel 5’s most popular shows, even earning the network its first ever Bafta.
Explaining her decision to leave last week, Jane said: “It has been a privilege to call this a ‘job’. After so many years filming abroad I am looking forward to some much needed time in the UK and to focus on my music and tours and exciting new projects.
“Thank you Channel 5 for some great trips and many fabulous memories.”
In a separate blog post, Jane clarified that she was “stepping away from her shows on Channel 5”, suggesting her talk show Jane And Friends would also be coming to an end.
The good news is, Jane is apparently recording her last ever series of Cruising, so at least there’ll still be a few more laughs at sea – not to mention ridiculous musical numbers – before it sets sail with a brand new presenter at the helm.